, the major shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 25 August to 1
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 27 July to 5
: content-box` so that `width` is not affected by `padding` or `border`. // 2. Change the default font family in all browsers. // 3. Correct the line height in all browsers. // 4. Prevent adjustments of font
Relationship with J.S.P.Property Public Company Limited Lender : Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon and/or the related persons including related and close relatives Relationship : The major shareholder of the Company (J.S.P
Relationship with J.S.P. Property Public Company Limited Lender : Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon and/or the related persons including related and close relatives Relationship : The major shareholder of the Company
relatives Relationship : The major shareholder of the Company (J.S.P.) and hold 1,061,131,000 Shares, equivalent to 25.27% of the paid-up of the company (Including related and close relatives) (At as October
relatives Relationship : The major shareholder of the Company (J.S.P.) and hold 1,061,131,000 Shares, equivalent to 25.27% of the paid-up of the company (Including related and close relatives) (At as October
October, 2018 2) The Related Parties and Relationship with J.S.P.Property Public Company Limited Lender : Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon and/or Mr. Boonyong Sawatyanon including related and close relatives
, 2018 2) The Related Parties and Relationship with J.S.P.Property Public Company Limited Lender : Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon and/or the connected person including related and close relatives Relationship