578 0 150 300 450 600 750 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Amount Issued of Green Bond during 2014 – 2021 USD Billion Increase 16x from 2014 3 389 767 32 354 110 0 200 400 600 800 Africa Asia
which is due to continuous expansion and support from the export and tourism sectors resulting in the increase in private and government spending. While the primary energy consumption in Q2/2018 has
(Million Baht) Period 1. Expansion of the Company's business by investing in machine to increase production line of Flexible Packaging Products include being the expense of installing the machine. - Flexible
and Beverage and Café shop under brand Casa Lapin. Other revenues increase 4 million Baht from previous year. Cost of Rental and Service Income and Gross Profit The Company incurred rental and service
. Other revenues increase 4 million Baht from previous year. Cost of Rental and Service Income and Gross Profit The Company incurred rental and service costs for 2017 equal to 561.1 million baht more than
stood at 27.8%. An increase of net profit was a result of the Company has higher revenues from collection of purchased accounts receivables. Thus, the details of the Company group can be described as
million baht or 17. 01% . The increase was due to additional of borrowing to support hire purchase loan expansion and maintained the company interest spread. For the provision expenses for the fourth
facilities finance institutions to facilitate the expansion of the business Net profit (loss) The company recorded a net loss of 39.60 million Baht for the year ended December 31, 2018, an increase in net loss
same period of last year and an increase of 24.9% over the last quarter . Such increase was mainly due to the increase in aluminium price and the expansion of sales volume from exporting to overseas
the same period of last year and an increase of 1.71% over the last quarter . Such increase was mainly due to the increase in aluminium price and the expansion of sales volume from exporting to overseas