asset management companies in charge, and to update their fund books (if any) regularly to prevent possible damage from frauds. ______________________ * Clause 23
requirements to avoid possible disputes or frauds committed upon their assets, said SEC Deputy Secretary-General Vasant Thienhom. Failure to keep complete and correct records of clients? orders are deemed non
are as follows: (1) All brokers are required to set their own internal procedures to stop the rumors as soon as possible. Trading room managers must alert top management when material rumors
investing in PTT shares to prevent possible impacts on unitholders of such funds after the Stock Exchange?s posting of the Trading Halt sign ("H") on the PTT securities effective from the first trading
the same quarter of last year, but the price adjustment was not immediately possible. Labor costs have increased due to the minimum wage adjustment in April. In addition, the cost of depreciation
from the same period of last year at 12.21% due to the cost of plastic resin, which is the main raw material, was higher than the same quarter of last year, but the sell price adjustment was possible for
, mainly come from 1)Customers delay some of the project construction plan, thus it is not possible for making construction and revenue recognition 2)The economics slowdown due to the COVID-19 epidemic, thus
percent from the previous year, mainly come from 1)Customers delay some of the project construction plan, thus it is not possible for making construction and revenue recognition 2)The economics slowdown due
$/BBL, supported by arbitrages made from the Asian region to the European side is still feasible even with freight cost at a high level, but pressured from increased export quotas from China in the third
and quarries. Therefore, it is not possible to inform and monitor the business operation of PRINDA and its subsidiaries and the Company cannot express any opinions in key issues to achieve the highest