Costs - - 9.35 72.09 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 28.78 484.51 15.59 120.20 Management benefit expenses 5.21 87.71 5.78 44.56 Profit (Loss) before
Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 57.53 777.43 37.52 78.22 Doubtful Account 86.50 1,168.92 - - Loss on impairment of goodwill 51.20 691.89 - - Management benefit
100.00 53.24 100.00 Costs - - 20.59 38.67 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 38.23 335.05 88.84 166.87 Impairment of investment in associate 29.81 261.26
Li tr es Grey Road Base Green Road Historic 8 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 10% 20% 30% G ro ss p ro fit im pa ct ( A $m n) Convenience share charging Green Road Base case Grey road -14% -12
Distribution of Newly Issued Shares and Share Warrants by Issuer
payment of assets. Number of underlying ordinary share Total number of issued and paid-up shares of the Company 90,000,000* x 100 986,210,468 9.13 The entering into the transaction constitutes an asset
impairment of intangible assets - - 16.87 28.57 Loss from impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 29.81 216.80 - - Doubtful Account 88.24 641.75 - - Loss from impairment of goodwill 51.20
new ordinary shares with a par value of Baht 100.00 per share, at a price of Baht 649.88 per share, totaling Baht 150.00 million. It will be implemented simultaneously with the acquisition of HECH's
new ordinary shares with a par value of Baht 100.00 per share, at a price of Baht 649.88 per share, totaling Baht 150.00 million. It will be implemented simultaneously with the acquisition of HECH's
orders from such client. They just submitted trading orders as directed by {A}. Furthermore, they had never conducted KYC/CDD for the client because {A} prohibited them from doing so. Also, {B} received