- Hire Purchase For the fiscal year of 2021, motorcycle and used car hire purchase in Thailand and electrical appliances, mobile phones in overseas business, with the revenues of 1,073 million baht
For the first quarter of 2022, motorcycle and used car hire purchase in Thailand and electrical appliances, mobile phones in overseas business, with the revenues of 267 million baht, decreased by 6
The Company offers motorcycle, used car hire purchase, electrical appliances, mobile phones and others and hire purchase business of overseas subsidiaries. For the first half of FY2022, hire purchase
shared more than 70% of total personal loan sales. - Hire Purchase The Company offers motorcycle, used car hire purchase, electrical appliance, mobile phones and others and hire purchase business of
Specialized Bank (Cambodia) PLC of 217 million baht, dropped by 17.2% y-y. - Hire Purchase For the fiscal year of 2 0 2 2, motorcycle and used car hire purchase in Thailand and electrical appliances, mobile
and technologies that encourage overall efficiency (high load, occupancy and flow); a. Technologies that allow new behavior (such as qualifying vehicle car pool clubs, bike sharing) b. Better
lagged (even as of the reporting date) • Do not reflect latest events Source: Dimension, Dimensions of Higher Expected Return and Strategic Beta, Dec 2013 38Source: Strategic beta: a deeper look at asset
of Corporate Practices, 2022 25 https://www.globalreporting.org/news/news-center/asean-companies-get-serious-about-climate-change/ Companies mentioned these corporate climate “Governance” dimension in
(Boonterm Post) อยู่ในระหว่ำงกำรท ำควำมร่วมมือกับบริษัทขนส่งต่ำง ๆ และคำดว่ำจะเริ่มให้บริกำรได้ในปีหน้ำ ส ำหรับตู้บริกำรชำร์จและเปลี่ยนแบตเตอรี่รถจักรยำนยนต์ไฟฟ้ำ (EV Motorcycle Charger Station) คำดว่ำจะเริ่ม
% Total Revenues 16,297 MB 4 - Hire Purchase For the first nine-months of 2020, motorcycle and used car hire purchase in Thailand and electrical appliances, mobile phones in overseas business, with the