revenue of 732.18 million baht, a decrease of 132.84 million baht compared to the same period of year 2018, which has sales revenue of 865.01 million baht or 15.36 % decrease as a result of the product
of last year in the amount of Baht 3.99 million, due to income from earned premium net of reinsurance and commission and brokerage income in this quarter decrease from the same period of last year in
reported total revenues in 2Q20 of THB 118.89 million, a 45.24 percent decrease from 2Q19 revenues of THB 217.12 million. Loss attributable to equity holders of the Company of THB 0.22 million compared to
FY2017 mainly from increase of revenue and reduce of loss sharing from investment. Depreciation and Amortization in FY2018 was THB 416 million, a decrease of 22.4% from that in FY2017, as some assets under
follows. 1. Total revenue amounted to 11.3 million baht, a decrease of 27.89 million baht from the previous year or 70.94 percent due to the main income from the Company stopped production. Causing existing
period last year. The company’s profit from continuing operations was THB 11,105 million, increased byTHB 3,571 million from the same period last year, and the profit margin for the year ended December 31
operating loss stores and to reduce wastage from the production process and storage process as well as to improve purchasing management by sourcing the new suppliers, which result in a decrease of the
million, increased by THB 9,912 million over the same period last year. The company’s profit from continuing operations was THB 6,500 million, increased by THB 4,161 million, and the profit margin for the
, the Group had followed up and evaluated closely the situations and implemented appropriate measures to reduce the business impacts as follows; 1) Changing working processes during temporary closing some
Baht 0.29) The decrease of profit in amount of Baht 11.50 million comes from the following major transactions. 1. The increase of claim and adjustment expenses compared to the same period of last year in