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Bangkok Makkasan, at an amount not exceeding 40 percent of the total paid-up shares, worth not exceeding 421.55 million baht, and the right to claim in the loan of Wealth Ventures at the value not exceeding
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? meeting will be held on July 8, 2011.WAVE plans to acquire capital increase shares in TSE to maintain its 10 percent shareholding or may increase its holdings up to 35 percent, at a price of B10 per share
สรุปผล hearing ขึ้น web_REIT SH loan ก กก (hearing) กกกก'() *(ก+ , ก-./01,ก 2-. 10. 3-ก, 'ก)4) )ก3,/.5 ,ก6.77 ก48(*9ก-ก, 1. ก 1 2. , 16 2558 15 ก 2559 3. .) 4 ก ก 1
Bangkok, November 21, 2008 ? The SEC has eased its regulations to allow margin loan refinancing among securities firms, given that they have put in place adequate risk management mechanism. The
Microsoft Word - APCON loan 30 mb Roll-over _EN_ page 1/4 May 14, 2020 Subject : Notification of extension of financial assistance period to associated company (Connected person) To : The President