material change to perimeter/KPI methodology/SPTs calibration prior to maturity of the ASEAN Sustainability-Linked Bond, the Issuer must: (i) Clearly communicate the rationale and/or restatement optionality
regulations. 1.3.5 Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. Principle 1.4 Institutional Investors should communicate, promote, and publicly disclose the Policy internally and externally
ที่ NCH 23/2549 1 ท่ี NCH 024/2562 วนัที่ 11 กรกฎาคม 2562 เร่ือง แจ้งการร่วมทนุจดัตัง้บริษทัยอ่ยแหง่ใหม ่เพื่อรองรับธุรกจิ Intermediate care และ Wellness เรียน กรรมการ และผู้จดัการ ตลาดหลกัทรัพย์แหง่
communicate with listed companies’ management about the importance of having a robust internal control system in place and will cooperate with relevant agencies in educating the internal auditors and the firms
dissemination of the results of the root cause analysis on audit adjustments proposed by auditors to listed companies in order to communicate and motivate listed companies’ executives and audit committees to
rotation of key audit partner in accordance with the Code of Eth ics for Professional Accountants with clear details on the consideration of time-on period and communicate to the relevant individuals
preventing and managing conflicts of interest which board of directors or a committee assigned by board of directors has already approved such policy, and shall communicate the policy thoroughly in order to
Operating System for Communication with and Providing Services to Clients ___________________ Clause 5/1 To communicate with and provide services to clients under Clause 12(3/1) and Clause 25/1 of the
System for Communication with and Providing Services to Clients ___________________ Clause 5/1 To communicate with and provide services to clients under Clause 12(3/1) and Clause 25/1 of the Notification
System for Communication with and Providing Services to Clients ___________________ Clause 5/1 To communicate with and provide services to clients under Clause 12(3/1) and Clause 25/1 of the Notification