A derivatives broker shall not reduce its paid-up capital to the extent that its shareholders’ equity is decreased unless permission is granted by the SEC. Clause 4 This Notification shall come into
the qualifications under Clause 3(6), (7), (8) and (9) as provided in the application except where there is any difference in detail to the extent that it will not materially change the qualifications
the qualifications under Clause 3(6), (7), (8) and (9) as provided in the application except where there is any difference in detail to the extent that it will not materially change the qualifications
licensee has satisfied the qualifications under Clause 3(6), (7), (8) and (9) as provided in the application except where there is any difference in detail to the extent that it will not materially change
and APEC Asia Region Funds Passport shall take effect, mutatis mutandis, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions prescribed herein. Chapter 2 Application for
from the day the testing is completed. Clause 25 In cases where there is a change to a computer system relating to trading services with respect to derivatives to the extent that it affects the business
decision making by company boards and should reflect the extent to which this is embedded practice. Sustainability or corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports serve a useful purpose for multiple
บริษัทฯ ยังมแีผนการ ออกสนิคา้ใหม่ๆ นอกเหนือจากกลุ่มผลติภัณฑเ์ดมิของ บริษัทฯ เพิ่มเติมอย่างต่อเนื่อง เช่น Salty Lemon ผลติภัณฑใ์นกลุม่เครือ่งดืม่อัดลม (Carbonated) ซึง่เป็น สนิคา้จาก LQSF ประเทศเวยีดนาม รวมถ
Lemon, HPP (High Pressure Processing) fruit juice, milk tablet, personal care products, Malee Coco in new designed carton package, which was already projected following the Company’s new product launch
new flavors under Carabao Energy Drink Mandarin Orange. 2 Gross profits and gross profits margin Gross profits amounted to THB 1,003 million, rose by THB 125 million or 14.2%, representing gross profit