EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 2018 2019 change Q4’18 Q3’19 Q4’19 change change Btmn Btmn y-on-y Btmn Btmn Btmn y-on-y q-on-q Sales and service income 36,585 44,132 20.6% 9,933 11,751 11,258 13.3% -4.2
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 9M’18 9M’19 change Q3’18 Q2’19 Q3’19 change change Btmn Btmn y-on-y Btmn Btmn Btmn y-on-y q-on-q Sales and service income 26,652 32,874 23.3% 9,691 10,866 11,751 21.3
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 6M’18 6M’19 change Q2’18 Q1’19 Q2’19 change change Btmn Btmn y-on-y Btmn Btmn Btmn y-on-y q-on-q Sales and service income 16,961 21,123 24.5% 8,805 10,257 10,866 23.4
Revenues Consolidated financial statements (Thousands Baht) Nine-month Change 3nd Quarter Change 2562 2561 Amount % 2562 2561 Amount % Revenue from sales 1,727,237 1,168,546 558,691 47.81% 659,160 427,881
Revenues Consolidated financial statements (Thousands Baht) Six-month Change 2nd Quarter Change 2562 2561 Amount % 2562 2561 Amount % Revenue from sales 1,068,077 740,665 327,412 44.21% 512,616 372,742
(Thousands Baht) Six-month Change 2nd Quarter Change 2561 2560 Amount % 2561 2560 Amount % Revenue from sales 740,665 742,524 -1,859 -0.25% 372,742 414,841 -42,099 -10.15% Other income 12,728 7,320 5,408 73.88
1.1 Revenues (Thousands Baht) Nine-months Change 3rd Quarter Change 2561 2560 Amount % 2561 2560 Amount % Revenue from sales 1,168,546 1,128,641 39,905 3.54% 427,881 386,117 41,764 10.82% Other income
Consolidated financial statements (Thousands Baht) Six-month Change 2nd Quarter Change 2020 2019 Amount % 2020 2019 Amount % Revenue from sales 1,165,249 1,068,077 97,172 9.10% 538,525 512,616 25,909 5.05% Other
from sale. Besides, other income also increased from the revenue of by products, waste and material Information of the 2nd Quarter Consolidated Separate 3 months Change 3 months Change 2017 2016 Amount
incurred in marketing expenses and employee expense from coffee shop business. Summary of Financial Statement of Positions 30-Jun-19 31-Dec-18 Change %Change Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents 232.7 21.4 211.3