Distribution of Newly Issued Shares and Share Warrants by Issuer
) (282) -31% Net profit attributable to owners of the parent 620 370 68% (1,546) 140% 1,732 2,463 -30% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.38 0.27 (1.12) 1.18 1.79 Note: 1/ EBITDA from Refinery Business of
recommendations in the Principles will apply but others may be less relevant. We also acknowledge different investment strategies, for example as employed by passive or active funds, and advocate that shareholders
ensure compliance. 2. Conduct a gap analysis of current climate-related processes and disclosure 1. Form an internal TCFD working group Designate a climate ‘champion’, ideally from senior management or the
Thai Resources × Home > Gender Corner > Resources SHARE : Detail Content
Thai Activities × Home > Gender Corner > กิจกรรม SHARE : Detail Content
Type of securities : Common share | Effective Date : 10/06/2023 | Close Selling Date : 16/08/2023
Common share | Public Offering | Offering Date - 24/04/2015 - 30/04/2015
Common share | Public Offering | Offering Date - 24/04/2015 - 30/04/2015
Common share | Public Offering | Offering Date - 24/04/2015 - 30/04/2015