การท างานภายในที่คลอ่งตวั รวมถงึ การใชร้ะบบการบรหิารโครงขา่ยแบบอตัโนมตั ิ(Autonomous network) ทีจ่ะช่วยใหก้ารใชง้บลงทุนในโครงขา่ยและตน้ทุนโครงขา่ยมปีระสทิธภิาพสงูขึน้ ทัง้นี้ เนื่องจากเอไอเอสตัง้เป้าใน
] บริษทั ดบัเบิ้ลย ูบีแอลพี จ ากดั [WBLP] บริษทั ไอ.ซี.ซี. อินเตอร์เนชัน่แนล จ ากดั (มหาชน) [ICC] บริษทั เอก็แซ็ค คิว จ ากดั [EXACT Q] บริษทั ไอ.ดี.เอฟ. จ ากดั [IDF] 3) บุคคลท่ีเก่ียวโยงและลกัษณะความสัมพนัธ์
) and Economics), Georgetown University, Washington D.C., U.S.A Current Appointments Member of Financial Institutions Policy Committee, Bank of Thailand Independent Director and Member of the
) and Economics), Georgetown University, Washington D.C., U.S.A Current Appointments Member of Financial Institutions Policy Committee, Bank of Thailand Independent Director and Member of the
KPPH’s book value as at March 31, 2017 as well as the financial projections. For the exact measurement, CCPH has appointed an independent assessor to do the assessment which is expected to receive the
correctly and completely in all material respects. In this regard, as evidence that each and every page of the documents is of the exact documents to which I have certified, I have authorized …………………………. to
disclosure of information memorandum. In order to approve this connected transaction from shareholders, the Company is required to appoint Finnex Advisory Company Limited as the Independent Financial Advisor
, both the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee view that such transaction is reasonable and beneficial to the company. However, the independent financial advisor is of the opinion that the
Supervision of Business and Market Intermediaries , Sales Conduct and Provision of Investment Advice Experiences Independent Director, Audit Committee Member, and Corporate Governance Committee Member
board‟s responsibilities inherently demand the exercise of objective, independent judgement. However, given the ownership structure in Asia, directors often remain appointees of controlling shareholders