the previous year due to decreased raw material prices and rapid Thai Bath appreciation. 2. Sales cost to revenue ratio decreased by 1.66% (from 95.81% to 94.15%) because the cost of raw materials has
advertising services, loan, property leasing, etc. 3 Types of relationship or reliance include granting and receiving financial or technical support, raw material procurement, co-use of trademark, etc. - 5
year such as manufacturing (number of factories, total production capacity), acquisition of raw materials or products for sale, number of raw material distributors, proportions of domestic and overseas
the price of main raw material which increased in accordance to the global market price. As a result, Thailand has the volume of exports of palm oil more than the same period of the last year. Although
%) Raw water revenue 615.91 566.33 (49.58) (8.05%) 2,696.43 2,452.05 (244.38) (9.06%) Tap water revenue 338.87 353.34 14.46 4.27% 1,392.87 1,422.75 29.87 2.14% Rental and services revenue 41.66 36.92 (4.74 Ref. No. U.SET 022/2017 November 16, 2017 Subject : Disposal of shares in a subsidiary and assignment of claim on its promissory notes To : The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand U City Public
energy business. The total value of the transaction is approximately Baht 3,070 million including the acceptance of the assignment of rights under the loan agreements from the original shareholders
energy business. The total value of the transaction is approximately Baht 3,070 million including the acceptance of the assignment of rights under the loan agreements from the original shareholders
credit rating assignment by international CRAs established under foreign law, and the bonds must receive an issue rating not lower than the investment-grade level. This does not apply to private placements
กดั (มหาชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที 0107556000311 mandatory. Moreover, the price of main raw material which increased in accordance to the global market price, as a result, the