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is due to a high rise of the stocks in SET. Please be informed and kindly disseminate this information to the investors. Yours sincerely, (Mr. Somboon Fusriboon) Managing Director
to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6
rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6) Mrs
rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6) Mrs
Mr. Nam Cholsaipan During 4 - 22 December 2014, 13 persons colluded to manipulate the price of KIAT share to be inconsistent with the normal market condition, causing the price of KIAT share to rise
rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6) Mrs
share to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6
to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6