-17.49% Basic Earnings per Share 0.77 0.51 0.32 0.52 2.57 2.12 -17.49% In FY 2017, the Company’s total revenues amounted to 5,331,47 million baht, increased by 329.07 million baht or 6.58% comparing to the
101.48 million or 65.46%, which was in line with the sharp rising in revenues from sales in this period. Gross profit margin in year 2018 was 61.51%, going up by 59.98% year-on-year. The growth in year
- 2. Cost of sales and gross profit The Company’s cost of sales in Q3/2018 amounted to Baht 57.43 million, rising year-on-year by Baht 25.81 million or 81.63%, which was in line with the sharp increase
รกับส่ิงแวดล้อม (“green share”) และหุ้้นทุ่ม่การปล่อย์ก๊าซึ่เร่อนกระจกส่้ง (brown share) เพื่่อต้ิดต้ามส่ถานะการบริห้ารจัดการ climate risk ข้องผู้้้จัดการกองทุุน 4 ต้ัวอย์่างแนวปฏิิบัต้ิทุ่ 5 ผู้้้ประกอบธุุ
Net Profit Margin (%) 2.17 2.34 2.02 Current Ratio (Times) 1.33 1.34 1.33 Debt to Equity Ratio (Times) 2.27 2.16 2.26 Book Value per Share (Baht) 2.11 2.16 2.16 Net Profit per Share (Baht) 0.40 0.46
global markets. To enable and harmonize data disclosure. As the taxonomy is adopted by intermediaries, it will be possible to benchmark the share of green investments in portfolios of banks, insurance
) Disclosure and transparency; The chapter identifies key areas of disclosure, such as the financial and operating results, company objectives, major share ownership, remuneration, related party transactions
ดำเนินธุรกิจจกเหตุกรณ์หรือ ภัยธรรมชติท่ีเกิดข้นฉับพลันเป็นครังครว (“acute physical risk”) เช่น ไฟป่ นำท่วม พยุ เป็นต้น และจก กรเปลี่ยนแปลงสภพภูมิอกศท่ีเกิดข้นอย่งช้ ๆ และมีนัยสำคัญในระยะยว (“chronic
investment consultants who were in charge of this client for two consecutive periods of time, aided or abetted {A} in trading on behalf of the client as the client was not keen on investment and allowed Tanya
in world oil prices, resulting in a sharp drop in commodity prices this causes a lot of price competition. Yours Sincerely, Ms. Piyanan Suwannaphasri Assistant Managing Director Authorized to sign