parallel:(1) At domestic level, joining with relevant public and private sectors to recognize financial literacy as national agenda covering a wide range of population from those who are children, youngster
technologies for their business strategies and adopt corporate governance as a part of their corporate culture in parallel with caring shareholders and related parties, which could help enhance corporate value
หนี้มีผลใชบังคับ” - ในกรณีการเสนอขายหุนกูในชวงเวลาเดียวกับการเสนอขายหนวยทรัสต (“concurrent offering”) ท่ีไมมีการรับประกันการจัดจําหนาย (best effort) ใหระบุคําเตือนวา “ผูลงทุนมีความเสี่ยงท่ีอาจ
? payment ability. If investors cannot settle the payment and have to seek loans from non-financial institutions at high interest rate, their financial status will be weaken and sooner may also risk brokers
total revenues came from a major counterparty. 2. In term of due diligence, failure to have the following information disclosed:(1) Debt repayment ability of a large debtor which is also the applicant?s
youngsters’ knowledge on savings and financial disciplines and cultivate a personal finance ability as a life skill, starting from young ages to grow a strong saving habit in adulthood.
statements to better reflect ability to repay both short and long term debt securities issued by the branches in Thailand. The consultation paper is available until September 25, 2013.The proposed amendment
regarding director appointments to remove legal restrictions and allow the company to resume business.The critical issues to be considered at the meeting are crutial to the company's ability to resume normal
resolved to approve the generation of alternative income channels and the reduction of expenses as follows:(1) To enhance the securities companies’ ability in managing liquidity, it is approved in
and ability in competitiveness of Thai capital market. _____________________________