the Three-month and Six-month Periods Ended 30 June, 2019 Page 1 (Translation) 1. Significant events of the 2 nd quarter of 2019 1.1 Change of the Company’s name and seal On April 12, 2019, the 2019
public sector to reduce their impact on climate change, while mitigating risk and creating value on their sustainability journeys. South Pole Climate Solutions Support along the entire corporate
, geothermal energy and wind power. - Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) Lao PDR’s installed capacity is approximately 6,300 megawatts, which are domestic consumption of 2,100 megawatts, export to
high at 114.02 KBD. Marketing Business was able to increase market share and maintain its 2nd position in the market. Power Plant Business realized additional profit from Solar and Wind Power Plants. As
result was increased by Baht 75 million due to higher wind speed, comparing to the same period of previous year, leading to higher electricity generation. NTPC: Unit : Million Baht 2018 2017 Change
). 1.8 Commercial Operation Commencement under the Power Purchase Agreement of Mount Emerald Wind Farm in Australia On December 12, 2018, Mount Emerald Wind Farm Project, located in the north of Queensland
population in Bangkok and northern Metropolitan zone. Management Discussion and Analysis For the 1st Quarter Ended 31 March, 2020 Page 3 1.3 Signing of Power Purchase Agreements for Collector Wind Farm in the
finance leases contracts for the 1 st quarter of 2018 was Baht 885.23 million, decreasing by Baht 170.98 million or 16.2 percent from Baht 1,056.21 million in the 1 st quarter of 2017. The change was due to
of 2017. The change was due to the decreased lease receivable, calculated according to the Effective Interest Method. Management Discussion and Analysis For the Three-month and Six-month Periods Ended
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 4 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 17/08/2020 18:07 Notification of the Resolutions of the Board of Directors Approving Change of Interim Dividend