base. However, close attention should be paid to the government’s budget disbursements and global financial markets which may, from time to time, become somewhat volatile. On the inflation front
activity, thus dampening Thai economic growth during the second half of the year. Other challenges included volatile foreign exchange movement and international capital flows as well as the rapid evolution
in the gross refinery margin slightly decreased from the previous quarter. Crude oil price in Q2/2017 was volatile and drastically decreased in the latter part of the quarter, leading to some part of
recorded THB 259 million, most of the loss was THB 255 million from the Foreign Exchange Forward Contract made by BCPG, to hedge against volatile exchange rate, for its investment in the wind power plant in
มีการข้ึนลงผันผวน (Volatile) มากกวาหลักทรัพยพ้ืนฐาน ดังน้ัน หากกองทุนมีการลงทุนในหลักทรัพยดังกลาวยอมทําใหสินทรัพยมคีวามผันผวนมากกวาการลงทุนใน หลักทรัพยพ้ืนฐาน (Underlying Security) นอกจากน้ัน
มากกว่ากองทุนรวมที่ portfolio duration ต ่ากว่า 8. ควำมเสี่ยงจำกกำรท ำสัญญำซือ้ขำยล่วงหน้ำเพื่อป้องกันควำมเสี่ยง คือ สญัญาซือ้ขายล่วงหนา้ที่อาจมีการขึน้ลง ผนัผวน (Volatile) มากกว่าหลกัทรพัยพ์ืน้ฐาน ดงันัน้
the end of 2019. The Company emphasizes on the importance of effective management of its capital structure to be resilient towards the volatile money market and capital market, as well as maintain its
established market risk management processes for new financial products, and improved related processes for existing products. In 2019, global financial markets were quite volatile due mainly to the unresolved
loss from crude and product oil price hedging contract in the amount of THB 328 million, while in 2017 there was a gain of THB 348 million, a result of the highly volatile global oil market price for the
Management Overall, movements of Thai and US foreign exchange and interest rates were highly volatile during this quarter. The Thai Baht steadily rose against the US Dollar, which could be attributed mainly to