transportation services. However, the company gained new customers to compensate the lack of revenue, causing revenue and gross profit in this period to be slightly higher than the same period last year. The
สามญัของ Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited ในสัดส่วน ร้อยละ 80 ของจ านวนหุ้นสามญัทั้งหมด บริษทัจึงตอ้งมีการรับรู้รายได ้เขา้มาในงบการเงิน ท าให้รายไดจ้าก การบริการเพิ่มข้ึน ซ่ึงสามารถจ าแนก
. Meanwhile, the investment of private sector was slowed down because they were worried about the political stability after the election. Household sector was more carefully to spend money because there was a
competitiveness and financial security, and to strengthen the overall market stability. The consultation paper on the draft amendment to the SEA regarding the CMDF establishment and the details thereof are
firms must be well-prepared for all dimensions of business risk associated with changes which affect stability of the companies and the capital market.? said Vorapol.
situations and fair treatment to all types of investors. The regulatory review also aims to promote and maintain stability and efficiency in securities trading. The SET will expedite the reviewing process of
and professionals Carrying out businesses with greater flexibilities; getting supports for strengthening competitiveness; being assured of stability of the systems monitored and maintained to
Financial Institutions Stability, the Bank of Thailand 10:05 – 10:25 Purpose and practice: How financial services can mobilize capital to deliver net zero in Thailand Speakers Mr. Giorgio Gamba, CEO of HSBC
headline inflation was projected to be around the lower bound of the inflation target. Overall financial conditions remained conducive to growth, despite pockets of risks to financial stability such as the
through our national network of electric vehicle charging points. We became a signatory of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in October 2017. We