planned to boost domestic sales and to enhance measures of waste reduction from the manufacturing process, expecting to help increase in net profit margin in the next quarter. 鐘 =ぜ ′ 綺 1冨 機 宙書nt摯籠ぽ ぱ■″n〈 器
increase in sales of Power Electronic business group, especially sales of power supplies for automotive (Electric Vehicle Solutions) sector which rose up 26.2% from those of previous year and power supplies
products and to enhance measures of waste reduction from the manufacturing process, expecting to help increase in net profit margin in the next quarter. へ 0 , ‐' 。 ‐ . u911霧 、冨腱 籠o口 もηo, o■ ■,(尉 釧■■■, 119Ч電
appreciation against other currencies, therefore, the Company recognized lower revenue, profit and profit margin. Thus, the company planned to boost domestic sales and to enhance measures of waste reduction from
currencies, therefore the Company recognized lower revenue, profit and profit margin. However, the company are planning to boost domestic sales and to enhance measures of waste reduction from the manufacturing
securities, and enhance investors’ confidence. According to the proposed regulations, the terms, “executive” and “business in the group” would be defined in accordance with the legal presumption under the
implement or further enhance throughout the year, namely: (1) to increase the capital market?s role in developing the economy and strengthening Thailand?s leadership in the region; (2) to encourage growth
planned to boost domestic sales, develop new products and to enhance measures of waste reduction from the manufacturing process, expecting to help increase in net profit margin in the next quarter. u?u-u
revenue, profit and profit margin. Thus, the company planned to boost domestic sales and to enhance measures of waste reduction from the manufacturing process, expecting to help increase in net profit
method, as well as to increase the trustworthiness in the identification and authentication process for onboarding customers that could boost the standard of performing e-KYC in the capital market. The