borrowing to support loan expansion. For the impairment loss of loans was 114.07 million Baht, a decrease of 32.51 million Baht or 22.18%. The decrease was due to the good improvement of receivables quality
borrowing to support loan expansion. For the impairment loss of loans was 114.07 million Baht, a decrease of 32.51 million Baht or 22.18%. The decrease was due to the good improvement of receivables quality
baht, a decrease of 48.19 million baht or 39.74% from the same period of the prior year. The decrease was due to the good improvement of receivables quality affected from the government stimulus and
Performance For Q3 2018, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net profit of 625 MTHB, increased by 270 MTHB or 76% improvement comparing to the same period of last year. The Net profit margin increased
baht, a decrease of 48.19 million baht or 39.74% from the same period of the prior year. The decrease was due to the good improvement of receivables quality affected from the government stimulus and
follows: Performance Overview In 2018, the domestic economic have signed to expand from the tourism sector improvement, Private consumption and private investment also improved, This was the company
industrial waste to energy power plant project located at Ratchaburi Industrial Estate and operated by Progress Interchem (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“Interchem”) with a contracted capacity of 4.0 MW (an installed
profit margin as a percentage of sales has increased from 25.49% in the previous year to 25.90% due to change in product sales mix of general merchandise and the enhancement of directly sourced private
16,553.01 million baht and 1,419.84 million baht respectively, increasing 4.10% and 13.73% from the previous year. Furthermore, the company has continued to focus on both operational efficiency improvement
due to the R&D and sales force invested for new products development enhancement and 7.6% lower compare to last quarter due to Q2’19 have high R&D outsource service in Europe Operating profit in Q3-19