compensation rates of medical staff secured for the future business expansion. Financing Costs The Company and its subsidiary’s financing costs in relation to the loans from financial institutions and related
Non-Current Assets of 3,355.39 Million Baht as 56.60 Million Baht when compared to December 31, 2017 as amount of 3,411.99 Million Baht by increased from secured deposits of 26.00 Million Baht, increase
completes the precedent condition prescribed in the contract relating to the REIT acquisition of assets 5. Loan for capital increase has been secured However, the plan for disposal of assets is still
price from reliable source of information in the calculation; (7) requirement for members to place margin by the secured assets with high liquidity and low price volatility which may be in the form of
concerning subsequent issues of other forms or series of debt securities; and g. covenant concerning any right to create additional charges over any of the assets. 2 2. For secured debt securities, other
มีวัตถปุระสงค์เพือ่สร้ำง ผลตอบแทนสทุธิที่สงูกว่ำดัชนี The Secured Overnight Finance Rate (SOFR) 2% ในช่วง ระยะเวลำกำรลงทุนมำกกว่ำ 3 ปี โดยมีค่ำควำมผนัผวน (volatility) ต ่ำกว่ำ 5% ในสภำวะ ตลำดปกติ รวม
proceeds of this Transaction UWC expects to apply the proceeds derived from this Transaction as follows: 1. Repayment of secured bonds worth THB 300 million which will become mature in March 2021; 2
approved project, if the assets are secured by security other than rights of mortgage, rights of pledge or rights arising from a suretyship, such rights shall pass to the transferee on each transfer through
facility agreement with Link Capital I by increasing SBLC facility amount which has same maturity date with the main credit facility to be end date on January 22, 2022, in form of a secured loan with the
secured online shopping transactions, the 3D-Secure aims to greatly reduce risk of fraud and chargebacks. Therefore, ASB Cambodia is required to pay the development fee of 734,461 baht to AEON Systems. 3