of such errors. Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala, the SEC Secretary-General, said, ?These procedural adjustments will enhance operational flexibility for the asset management sector while maintaining
Engagement with employees (all levels) and stakeholders • Integration with business values and KPIs • Adaptability to achieve the targets ( up to situations and target groups) • Monitoring progress
University, who will serve as ad-hoc contest committees and will set out the requirements for scoring, as well as rank the participants as had been done every time before. Additionally, this year’s contest
% 52,010,000.00 2.50 130,050,000.00 10 Vibhavadi Medical Center PCL. 50% 56,000,000.00 2.68 150,000,000.00 Total 100% 112,000,000.00 2.68 300,000,000.00 Rank List of Shareholders Proportion Shares Price per Share
buyer to purchase shares of Myanmar SPA-Today-Far East Company Limited and as a result of the restructuring of the Company’s operations to achieve more flexibility and efficiency. (10) General description
matter to allow mutual funds to invest in other mutual funds under management of the same asset management company up to three tiers** to increase flexibility for asset management companies to manage
has been shortened to five business days (from 30 business days). The revised rules and procedures are part of the Change Program to enhance the SEC?s overall efficiency and flexibility in response to
investment management companies while achieving the appropriate right balance between regulatory flexibility and investor protection. At the same time, investors are offered money market funds as an
licenses; (2) Allowing PE to establish in form of trust for flexibility;(3) Coordinating with the Revenue Department to propose for an exemption of capital gain and dividend taxes for investors investing in
the flexibility of infrastructure with cloud technology, bolstering the cyber resilience abilities, and promoting cybersecurity and data protection awareness to all stakeholders in the capital market