messages on knowledgeable investing and protecting oneself from falling victim to frauds and scams. Under the IOSCO guidelines, international regulatory agencies jointly promote and endorse the financial
duties of protecting the rights and interests of shareholders. The webinar held on March 26, 2024 aimed to reinforce the roles and duties of the boards of directors in accordance with good corporate
relocation costs in prior year. Net Profit The Group reported total net profit for this year at THB 33.0 million, increased by THB 12.4 million or 60.2% when compared to the prior year. It resulted from the
prior year. It mainly increased from the relocation costs. Net Profit The Group reported total net profit for this quarter at THB 5.1 million, decreased by THB 3.0 million or 37.2% when compared to the
increase in cost of hospital operations in the amount of Baht 150.3 million or 25.2% which was in line with the increase of the revenue. The increase in expenses was due to the relocation of the insured
principles and relevant draft regulations abide by the new law's underlying purposes of facilitating legitimate uses of digital assets, protecting investors from frauds or exploitation, and preventing money
Construction Permits) และการคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย (Protecting Minority Shareholder) ก.ล.ต. ได้มีบทบาทในการเข้าร่วมในการปรับปรุงและผลักดันมาตรการต่าง ๆ ในด้านการคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย และในการ
lift up the quality of AGM at Thai listed firms to match domestic and international standards, it also raise awareness of shareholders in protecting their own rights and at the same time promoting good
Bt47.0 million, and the reversal of the provision of Bt29.4 million was due to the relocation of pipeline at Bang Sue train Station. Excluding such special items, total revenue for the year 2017 will
continuously show their interests in our industrial estates, especially, Chinese, Japanese and U.S. manufacturers as a result of production line relocation from China to Southern Asian countries. This situation