keep the policy interest rate unchanged at 1.50 percent, with the view that the Thai economy is expected to grow at a stronger pace while the impact of economic growth has yet to be translated to a broad
: Domestic branded sales unchanged YoY, supported by 40% growth in canned fruit resulted from higher productivity than the previous crop season, despite the drop in fruit juice sales following the slowdown in
, despite intense competition in certain areas, such as Nakhon Ratchasima. Overall the Company continues to achieve the targeted rental rate growth for the rest of the shopping malls. The same store rental
) Polymers into Europe and expand our footprint in barrier resins market from North America to Rest of the World by leveraging on the IP Rights being acquired. PET packaging with oxygen barrier is used by the
market. The rest can invest in other assets investible by debt securities funds and investment in distressed bonds is prohibited; (5) Concentration in corporate bonds of any issuing company must not
investors**. The investment portion of the distressed bond fund would consist of distressed bonds accounting for at least 60 percent of the total net asset value (NAV), while the rest may invest in other
months. Owing to the fact that {A}'s approved securities investment consultant status only lasts until December 31, 2014, his approved status was suspended until that date while the rest of suspension
market investment consultant for 6 months. As {A}'s approved capital market investment consultant status only lasts until December 31, 2014, his approved status was suspended until that date while the rest
ย่ำงต่อเนื่องเพ่ือรองรับภำรกิจ ที่ได้รับมอบหมำยตำมแผนปฏิบัติกำรระดับชำติว่ำด้วยธุรกิจ กับสิทธิมนุษยชน ระยะที่ 1 (พ.ศ. 2562 - 2565) (National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights: NAP) เพือ่ให้เป็นไป
to be unchanged. The Company paid up the full balance of its share capital on 19 October 2016. On 31 August 2017, The Board of Director Meeting of ALP FPI PARTS PRIVATE LIMITED passed a resolution to