, with the effect of COVID-19 outbreak, the labor has temporary moved from service sector back to agriculture sector which led to more demand in agriculture equipment. Other that the above reasons, in Q2
external reviews related to sustainability-linked bonds. The provisions related to the content of the external review have also been moved into a dedicated section. 2021 Guidelines for External Reviews https
Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...
CPO to be used for electricity generation which is under considering by the government. Natural fatty alcohols (FA) market in 2Q2020 moved downward from the same period of previous year, negatively
verifiers about the requirements that must be met. The Criteria Documents is supported by a Background document that captures the various dialogues and inputs and substantiates the reasoning behind the
World’s land for 1 more year until August 31, 2019 with the lease of THB 2,000,000 per year and the same terms and conditions with the current lease. The reason behind such approval is that the land
COVID-19 situation without anyone left behind. Overview of the operating result for the third quarter of 2020 (3Q2020) In the third quarter of 2020 (3Q2020), Central Retail Corporation Public Company
เงินเฟอเพ่ิมขึ้นปรับตัวลดลงตามมาในที่สุด 3) เงินเฟอพุงข้ึนสูงตอเนื่อง และ Fed ข้ึนดอกเบ้ียไมทัน (Behind the Curve) เรามองเศรษฐกิจในชวง 2-3 เดือนขางหนามีความเปนไปไดที่จะเขาสูภาวะ Slowdown มาก
business. Similarly, private investment sector was slowdown regarding to the concern about uncertain government spending except in the electronics group that moved production base from abroad and the
exchange gains worth 64.0 million baht, lower from 119 million baht in previous year and 348 million baht in 2015 following the recent baht appreciation. Thai baht/USD had moved in a range of 32.7 to 35.4 in