, despite intense competition in certain areas, such as Nakhon Ratchasima. Overall the Company continues to achieve the targeted rental rate growth for the rest of the shopping malls. The same store rental
ประสิทธิภาพ ของเครื่องจกัร (Degradation) ได้อย่างแม่นย าขึ้น เพื่อให้ โรงไฟฟ้าไมจ่ าเป็นตอ้งส ารองก าลงัการผลติเผื่อการถดถอยของ ประสทิธภาพ (spinning reserve) และสามารถขายไฟฟ้าใหแ้ก่ ลกูคา้ไดเ้ตม็ก าลงัการผลติ
quality acquisition, AIS Fibre maintained price competitiveness amidst the intense market discounts offered by competitors. As a result, ARPU declined to Bt618 or -2.7% QoQ. With stronger AIS’s integrated
% down from 1Q2017. The revenue from feed business continued declining due to intense competition of animal feed and aquatic feed in Thailand reflecting falling in revenue from animal feed and fish feed
THB 823 million, reduced by THB 98 million or 10.60% down from 2Q2016. The revenue from feed segment continued declining in 2Q2017 due to intense competition of feed business in Thailand for both animal
remained intense both on pricing and aggressive customer acquisition. Operators continued to offer steep half-price discounts to prevent churn of customers, as well as to attract new customers. In addition
intense competition in Thailand reflecting falling in revenue from fish feed about 27.52% from lower sales volume of fish feed. However, revenue from shrimp feed rose by 18.41% from 2Q2017 mainly from
4G network and value-for-money price plans continued to be localized in some key cities. On fixed broadband, competition remained intense in pricing and acquisition whereby the incumbents continued to
3Q2017. The revenue from feed business continued declining due to intense competition in Thailand reflecting falling in revenue from fish feed about 18.42% from lower sales volume of fish feed. However
gross profit margin of various product groups which are weaker due to the higher production cost per unit from lowest production volume together with the demand decreased and the intense competition. In