prior to the effective date of this Notification shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that they are neither inconsistent with nor contrary to the provisions of this Notification until the
least bachelor’s degree or other academic degrees accepted by the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC); (2) having work experience relevant to real estate businesses as well as useful and
following qualifications: (1) having at least bachelor’s degree or other academic degrees accepted by the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC); (2) having work experience relevant to real estate
following qualifications: (1) having at least bachelor’s degree or other academic degrees accepted by the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC); (2) having work experience relevant to real estate
assistant auditors with an academic qualification of not lower than a bachelor’s degree, at a total number of not less than five persons. Such auditors and assistant auditors shall work full time for the
granular taxonomy also allows investors and state authorities to measure the degree of decarbonisation of the different sectors of the economy, the efficiency of their investments, and to identify related
impacts of layoffs, reduced income and reduced confidence due to increased uncertainty about the future. As a result, private consumption is expected to contract, although government measures could help
rolled coiled is increased and GJ Steel itself cannot keep up with the market demand, therefore, the Company start doing tolling service for GJ Steel which begin since mid of November 2017 and expect to go
since the market demand of hot rolled coiled is increased and GJ Steel itself cannot keep up with the market demand, therefore, the Company start doing tolling service for GJ Steel which begin since mid
lower electricity cost. The average selling price in this quarter was at THB 18,133 per ton, increased 6.5% from the previous quarter, partly due to the increase in market price worldwide, especially in