analyzing deviations from expected performance incorporating lessons from its decision-making process and implementation, engagement with partners and Stakeholders, and updated research and evidence
. The ICGN notes that integrated reporting provides a holistic approach to a company’s value- creation story incorporating financial and non-financial information. We consider it a design principle
consultation by incorporating in-depth information on each client in order to specifically plan and provide investment consultation on capital market product in line with the risk tolerence and the investment
efficient investment guidelines [house view] by incorporating the participation of fund manager , investment analyst or supervisor of the investment line of work . In this regard, such guidelines shall be
investment strategy of program trading to clients, an intermediary shall arrange a mechanism or procedure for determining its efficient investment guidelines [house view] by incorporating the participation of
investment strategy of program trading to clients, an intermediary shall arrange a mechanism or procedure for determining its efficient investment guidelines [house view] by incorporating the participation of
specific person. “ investment planner ” means a person providing investment consultation to investors and being allowed to make an investment plan in conjunction with such consultation by incorporating in
the results of such review; and e. incorporating all cumulative experience obtained. 1.16 If a CRA uses separate analytical teams for determining initial credit ratings and for subsequent monitoring of
investors and being allowed to make an investment plan in conjunction with such consultation by incorporating in-depth information on each client in order to specifically plan and provide investment
countries with high grid emissions can be higher than for ICE vehicles. Incorporating this issue into Standard criteria for private vehicles would be complicated by having to account for grid emissions in not