for the persistent problems. Over two years, we advocated for a renewed focus on director skills and qualifications, given the changing nature of the company’s challenges. Moderate Engagement There are
postpaid subscriber continued to grow and now accounts for 19% of total subscriber base, up from 16% in 1Q17. AIS Fibre continued its improving performance amidst competitive environment with revenue growth
. At the end of 2017, AIS Fibre subscribers recorded 521,200 subscribers with 39,700 net additions QoQ, showing an improving momentum of net addition from 35,600 in 3Q17. ARPU slightly dropped to Bt635
revenue of Bt33,293mn, improving 2.9% YoY and 1.6% QoQ, driven by strong growth in fixed broadband and non- mobile enterprise business together with a recovery of mobile business. Mobile business improved
support sales growth as well as business expansion of oversea subsidiaries. In terms of proportion to total revenues, operating and administrative expenses represented 43% of total revenues, improving from
driven by improving domestic economic conditions, bouyant exports and the tourism sector. The market expects private consumption to have expanded, with higher spending on durable goods – particularly
4.00%. The main reason is to the improving budget cost control which mention above. Additional, increasing of employee’s expenses & compensations. And finance cost from short-term loan for projects
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undertake more varieties of businesses, while welcoming newcomers and advanced technology to serve investors? increasing demands. In addition, efficiency of legal enforcement will be enhanced by improving