improving its website for accurate, complete and user-friendly information. 5.2 Human resources: Emphasis is made on the performance-based system where staff are encouraged to pursue self-improvement both in
ดนตร ี และโรงเรยีนสอนดนตร ีภายใตช้ื่อ สถาบนัดนตรเีคพเีอน็ และ 2) บรษิทั เคพเีอน็ ไชนีส อะคาเดม ีจ ากดั (“KPN Chinese”) ประกอบธุรกิจโรงเรยีนสอนภาษาจนี ภายใต้ชื่อโรงเรยีนภาษาและวฒันธรรมจนี นอกจากนี้ KPN
prevention of the conflict of interest and Chinese wall. - demonstrate in detail on the above mentioned measure, at least in the following matters: (a) an organization chart and scope of power, duty and
prevention of the conflict of interest and Chinese wall. - demonstrate in detail on the above mentioned measure, at least in the following matters: (a) an organization chart and scope of power, duty and
information which should not be disclosed between units and personnel (Chinese wall). The policies, rules and practices shall be prepared in writing with an approval from the company’s board of directors
interest and leaking of information which should not be disclosed between units and personnel (Chinese wall). The policies, rules and practices shall be prepared in writing with an approval from the
management system, a system to prevent conflicts of interest and leaking of information which should not be disclosed between units and personnel (Chinese wall). The policies, rules and practices shall be
Office to set up the Group’s Green Bond Framework with Second Party Opinion given by Cicero against GBP and by Beijing Zhongcai Green Financing against Chinese green bond standards ▪ ICBC has developed a
EXCELLENCE OF 19, JUBILEE CENTENNIAL 90 FACETS, JUBILEE LINE FRIENDS แ ล ะ HELLO KITTY FRIENDLY MISSY โดยสินคา้ทุกคอลเลคชนัไดร้ับการตอบรับจากลูกคา้เป็นอย่างดี ประกอบกบับริษทั ได้มีการจัดกิจกรรมทางการตลาดเพื่อ
6 Sustainable Development Goals by UN • Promote eco-friendly business activities and address environmental & social risks • Energy Management System Committee, focusing on energy related issues