the EEC. Three MOUs have already been signed for development of the aviation and logistics industry including MOU for aircraft maintenance center, MOU for air cargo development, and MOU for aviation and
in the process. Major projects in progress such as the Project of the development for train tracking system and cargo management of the State Railway of Thailand, the GDCC Service Expansion (VM
. The increase in demand by air freight, in particular, encouraged the cross-border land transportation (CBS) business to turn a profit on the net loss last year. This contributed to a significant growth
. The increase in demand by air freight, in particular, encouraged the cross-border land transportation (CBS) business to turn a profit on the net loss last year. This contributed to a significant growth
) | เป็นส่วนแบ่งขำดทุนจำกเงนิลงทุนในบรษิทัร่วม OKEA โดยผลกำรด ำเนินงำนลดลงเนื่องจำกมกีำรจ ำหน่ำยน ้ำมนัดบิจำกแหล่ง Draugen Field เพยีง 1 Cargo และแหล่งผลติ Gjøa มอีตัรำผลติเฉลีย่ลดลง จำกกำรปิดซ่อมปรบัปรุงตำม
freight to decline. Jet (Kerosene) and Dubai crack spread (IK/DB) declined by 12.21 $/BBL compared to the average of 12.19 $/BBL in Q2/ 2 0 1 9 . This is due to pressure from the airline industry which was
classify income as follows Unit : million baht Service For three months until end of December 31 For three months until end of December 31 Increase / (Decrease) Percentage Sea Freight 610.64 635.03 -24.39
85.76% from Q1 year 2017. The reason was the delay on the shipment to customers in the first two months of year 2018. The main raw materials’ crop, which is sweet corn, was delayed due to the weather. The
increasing the shipping freight cost, after the US announced their sanction of subsidiaries of the COSCO group, which is one of the largest transport and logistic company in China during late September 2019
Increase / (Decrease) Percentage Sea Freight 167.78 155.55 12.23 7.86 Air Freight 215.46 262.57 -47.11 -17.94 Logistics Management 98.81 92.73 6.08 6.56 Cross-border transport 125.90 0 125.90 100 Related