License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
capital increase, a License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr
License Agreement and a Subcontract Agreement with Digital Dream Company Limited, which were unintentional transactions. However, the transactions were made to transfer benefits to Mr. John Worrall D'
as follows: The entering into the Marketing Support Service Agreement between Dream Islands Development 2 Private Limited ("DID 2") (a subsidiary of the Company having 99.99 percent of total issued and
) ระหวาง Dream Islands Development 2 Private Limited (“DID 2”) (ซึ่งเปนบริษัทยอยท่ีบริษัทฯ ถือหุนรอยละ 99.99 ของหุนท่ีจําหนายได แลวท้ังหมด) และ/หรือบริษัทยอยอ่ืนท่ีบริษัทฯ ถือหุนไมวาจะเปนทาง
dream? Project could Climate change is everybody’s business and capital market could drive the change needed responsible business behavior and
baht, Start a journey to your dream? Project could Climate change is everybody’s business and capital market could drive the change needed
dream? Project could Climate change is everybody’s business and capital market could drive the change needed responsible business behavior and