securities with a service area of Bangkok and surrounding, except the service as specified in (2). (2) Since the 31 March 2003: for debt securities in the category of treasury bills, government bonds, Bank of
global economy grew at a decelerating rate in 2019 amid uncertainty surrounding the US- China trade rift and concerns about Brexit which lingered throughout the year. The World Economic Outlook of the
............................................................................................................................................................................. 59 [ 1 ] We do have to acknowledge that, for many companies, this is a challenge. The business environment is changing at an ever-faster pace. The “topple” rate, a measure of how rapidly market-leading
the surrounding areas. For the details of the Establishment of Wattanapat Samui Hospital Company Limited which will be set up a wholly- owned subsidiary under the Registered of Wattanapat Samui Hospital
help to improve the Company’s image and surrounding housing projects. During the first nine months of this year, the Company and its subsidiaries reported total revenue of THB 2,062. 06 million, an
surrounding areas. For the details of the Establishment of Wattanapat Samui Hospital Company Limited which will be set up a wholly-owned subsidiary under the Registered of Wattanapat Samui Hospital for the
surrounding areas. For the details of the Establishment of Wattanapat Samui Hospital Company Limited which will be set up a wholly-owned subsidiary under the Registered of Wattanapat Samui Hospital for the
activities in the digital world. This trend will likely be evident in the foreseeable future. To cope with this challenge, the business sector, including Thai commercial banks, has become more vigilant in
เข้ำใจ และท ำใหเ้ห็นควำมส ำคัญของกำรใช้นวัตกรรมในกำรใหบ้ริกำร อย่ำงต่อเนื่อง เชน่ โครงกำร FinTech Challenge เปน็ต้น ซ่ึงจะเป็น ประโยชน์ต่อผู้ทีท่ดสอบอยู่ใน Sandbox ต่อไป ขอขอบคุณผู้ร่วมแสดงควำมคิดเห็น
ตระหนักเกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีทางการเงิน (FinTech) ในตลาดทุน ผ่านการจัดงาน Fintech Forum 6 คร้ัง 3.3.2. จัดประกวด FinTech Challenge program ที่ร่วมมือกับหลายภาคส่วนท้ังรัฐและเอกชน โดยมีผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการจ านวน