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. Regarding the next 15-year perspective, the Secretary-General said: “It is difficult to make a clear-cut prediction while the digital asset industry is in constant, dynamic change. Nevertheless, the SEC is
signs MOU with Central Institute of Forensic Science to increase efficiency in testing evidence of offenses in the capital market. capital market are complicated and finding the evidence is difficult
appropriate consultation took place for difficult or contentious matters? If yes, Please describe the policies and procedures. If no, How does the firm ensure that the difficult or contentious matters have been
arise and consequently damage the trading confidence and investors themselves. Regarding the next 15-year perspective, the Secretary-General said: “It is difficult to make a clear-cut prediction while
expenses. Besides, low-risk products offer low-return, while high-risk-high-return products come with high volatility. All of these factors make it more challenging to ensure sufficient post-retirement
challenging environments, building strengths and competitive edge, creating services that meet the demands of investors and stakeholders, and promoting the Thai capital market’s global competitiveness, which
. Among the challenging issues resulted from https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8859 < > > < > > Previous First 43 44 45 46 ... Last Next
Regulatory Summary Required documents for an approval of ARFP Passport Funds (for inbound only) A CIS Operator must submit a completed Form 35 – ARFP CIS in hard copies accompanied by all supporting