companies? managements arising from lack of efficiency and reliability of AIE internal control system. This subsequently caused AI auditor?s inability to express opinion on 2014 consolidated financial
The SEC’s policy is to strengthen the oversight of digital asset business operators with a focus on continued quality development and investor protection reliability of such business operators. This
financial statements on cost of sales and inventories which revealed lack of efficiency and reliability of AIE internal control system. The auditor was thus unable to gather sufficient evidence for such
prohibited characteristics: (1) having deficiency in legal competency, being subject to legal action under the law governing supervision of capital market, or lacking trustworthiness as specified as prohibited
MB. As the company has complied with efficiency management plan that help company reduce costs of sales and selling expenses. Please be informed. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Panya Boonyapiwat Chairman
company to reduce credit guarantee to International Commercial Coordination (Hong Kong) Limited from HKD 1,500,000.- to the balance amount of HKD 500,000.- to Bangkok Bank Plc. (Hong Kong branch), according
business 10.68 million Baht. In the 2nd quarter of 2017, the average selling price of construction materials would reduce by 3 per cent and sales volume decreased 16 per cent. Due to higher competition and
account the public comments gathered from the previous hearing whereby the calculation of the fees on Thai government bond dealing activities would be revised to reduce the burden on bond dealers and
เป็นการดำเนินการภายใต้โครงการเสริมสร้างตลาดทุนธรรมาภิบาลเฉลิมพระเกียรติ เนื่องในโอกาสมหามงคลพระราชพิธีบรมราชาภิเษก มุ่งเป้าบริหารจัดการขยะภายในองค์กรอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ ยึดหลัก 3R “Reduce Reuse Recycle
in the financial statements reporting forms to reduce burdens and costs of securities companies that are non-public accountable entities (NPAE).In addition, the revised reporting forms would comply