THAI ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 09/05/2013 - 21/05/2013
Type of securities : Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | Effective Date : 22/10/2015 | Close Selling Date : 30/10/2015
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 22/09/2006 - 02/10/2006
development of new products with more complexity which requires additional criteria; for instance, structure of return on investment and warning of complex features and significant specific risks associated
Complex Instruments Type 2 is allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products with non-complex features and investment units or debt securities with high risks or complexity, e.g
investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types. Ex., investment units of mutual funds for institutional investors or ultra-high net
instruments type 1 is allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types. Ex., investment units of mutual funds
instruments type 1 is allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types, e.g., investment units of mutual
investment consultant for complex instruments type 1 is allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types. Ex
decision. ?The Basel III tier 2 instruments? complexity and associated risks are different from those of plain debt securities because the holders will be forced to convert them into common shares if the