- drink milk, drinks 498.91 290.89 1,474.70 767.79 208.02 71.51 706.91 92.07 Immovable property business 3.15 4.69 9.57 14.16 (1.54) (32.84) (4.59) (32.42) Agriculture and dairy farm 13.73 10.88 46.15 42.97
milk, drinks 564.30 472.24 1,071.06 975.79 92.06 19.49 95.27 9.76 Immovable property business 3.06 3.47 6.10 6.42 (0.41) (11.82) (0.32) (4.98) Agriculture and dairy farm 13.66 15.33 29.38 32.43 (1.67
-drink milk, drinks 599.30 498.91 1,670.36 1,474.70 100.39 20.12 195.66 13.27 Immovable property business 2.96 3.15 9.06 9.57 (0.19) (6.03) (0.51) (5.33) Agriculture and dairy farm 12.44 13.73 41.82 46.15
ready-to-drink milk, drinks 602.33 564.30 1,230.38 1,071.07 38.03 6.74 159.32 14.87 Immovable property business 1.23 0.47 0.95 0.87 0.76 161.83 0.08 9.67 Agriculture and dairy farm 13.72 13.66 32.69 29.38
- drink milk, drinks 290.89 179.68 767.79 526.20 111.21 61.89 241.59 45.91 Immovable property business 4.69 4.71 14.16 14.09 (0.02) (0.42) 0.07 0.50 Agriculture and dairy farm 10.88 13.79 42.97 48.93 (2.91
- drink milk, drinks 472.24 276.36 975.79 476.89 195.88 70.88 498.90 104.62 Immovable property business 3.47 4.76 6.42 9.48 (1.29) (27.10) (3.06) (32.28) Agriculture and dairy farm 15.33 14.80 32.43 32.09
พฤศจิกายน 2562 (ข). โครงการโรงไฟฟ้าพลงังานแสงอาทติย์ ประเภท Solar Farm ในประเทศเวยีดนาม โครงการโรงไฟฟ้าพลงังานแสงอาทิตย ์ประเภท Solar Farm ท่ีจงัหวดัฟูเยี้ยน สาธารณรัฐสังคม นิยมเวียดนาม จ านวน 2 โครงการ ขนาดก
- drink milk, drinks 276.36 178.92 476.89 346.52 97.44 54.46 130.37 37.62 Immovable property business 4.76 4.72 9.48 9.38 0.04 0.85 0.10 1.07 Agriculture and dairy farm 14.80 17.76 32.09 35.14 (2.96) (16.67
Limited (“GFPT”) and its 5 subsidiaries: Krungthai Food Public Company Limited (“KT”) Krungthai Farm Company Limited (“FKT”) M.K.S. Farm Company Limited (“MKS”) GF Foods Company Limited (“GFF”) GP Breeding
milk, drinks 178.92 106.37 346.52 213.90 72.55 68.21 132.62 62.00 Immovable property business 4.72 2.82 9.38 5.53 1.90 67.38 3.85 69.62 Agriculture and dairy farm 17.76 10.44 35.14 20.57 7.32 70.11 14.57