performance of duties with responsibility and deliberation as a professional*. SEC has therefore imposed a suspension of approval on {A} as investment consultant for Complex Products Type 2** and as
and grasp new opportunities. Taking into account the costs and benefits of regulation, governments have an important responsibility for shaping an effective regulatory framework that provides for
responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Thor/Khor. 40/2547 Re: Form of
responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Thor/Khor. 40/2547 Re: Form of
signature, as the case may be, it shall be deemed that: ( 1 ) the information has been submitted by us according to our expressly demonstrated intention, and we assume the responsibility towards the
for reference. The SEC Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of
any responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No
original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC, Thailand can neither undertake any responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any loss or
Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC, Thailand can neither undertake any responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any loss or
reference. The SEC, Thailand can neither undertake any responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of the