across all regions with consumers heightened sensitivity to health and safety. Fibers segment delivered US$ 34M in efficiency gains from Project Olympus during the quarter, with a focus on operational
activities that are limited in time can be structured in real economy as separate time-bound projects. This is especially true for the amber category, where most activities focus on the time-limited movement
developed and implemented with a focus on soil productivity, including retention of soil biomass levels, soil structure, salinity, pH, and carbon sequestration. The plan can outline crop and geographically
เตมิก็ท าได ้ ก.ล.ต.อยูร่ะหวา่งด าเนนิการศกึษาและปรับปรุง แบบ 56-REIT ใหม้ขีอ้มลูดา้น ESG ซึง่จะมกีารหารอื หรอื focus group กับภาคเอกชนตอ่ไป โดยจะมี ระยะเวลาใหเ้อกชนปรับตัวเชน่เดยีวกับบรษัิทจดทะเบยีน
that consists mostly of CEOs (and occasionally CFOs) speaking to financial analysts, typically expose a company's set of values (Graham et al. 2016). Following Li, Mai, Shen, and Yan (2021), we focus on
ongoing focus at the SEC, and the fundamental way to achieve such objective is to create and promote a well-balanced ecosystem for financial reporting. Apart from promoting and developing the audit quality
visibility in global markets. A key focus for achieving such goals is given to improvement of corporate governance of ASEAN publicly listed companies. The ACMF has initiated a project to develop corporate
and to maximize efficiency of the power generating process in order to deliver the best output for customers. In terms of the growth plan for the company, GPSC will focus on the expansion of SPP
Business sales volume was 1,504 million liters (+4% YoY, -2% QoQ), especially increased in retail market, due to the business’s policy to focus on service station throughput, and from the expansion of
) increased 55 million liters (+6%) from BCP’s policy to focus on selling through service stations, most of the increased sales volume can be attributed to diesel fuel, including the Hi Premium Diesel S product