Plc. I 4 slightly improved from the previous quarter, due to the recovery of Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (UNL95/DB) in this quarter. Moreover, the refinery was able to continuously maintain its normal
คืนทุน (Recovery Period) โดย ณ วันที่ 30 มิถุนำยน 2563 บริษัทฯ มีอัตรำส่วนเงินสดรับต่อ ต้นทุนกำรซ้ือส ำหรับเงินให้สินเช่ือจำกกำรซ้ือลูกหนี้ที่มีอำยุน้อยกว่ำ 3 ปีที่ร้อยละ 16.20โดยมีอัตรำส่วนน้อยกว่ำอย่ำ
PowerPoint Presentation Management Discussion and Analysis 3rd Quarter of 2020 Q3/2020 Q3/2020 and Recent Highlights In the third quarter of 2020, economic factors that affected company's results of operations include (i) natural gas price and coal price that continued to drop further from previous quarter resulting in lower costs of sales and increasing industrial customers sales margin in spite of the slightly decrease of the fuel adjustment charge (Ft) for the collection of September - Decemb...
จึงขอนําสงรายงานฉบับนี้มายังทานเพื่อใหทานไดทราบถึงผลการดําเนินงานของ กองทุนในรอบปท่ีผานมา เรามองเศรษฐกิจโลกเร่ิมเขาสูชวงปลายของการขยายตัว (Late Recovery) และในชวงครึ่งหลังของป ตลาดจะมุงความ
regulators and policy makers to further develop a sound, stable, resilient, and inclusive financial sector to support national economic growth and recovery from any economic shocks such as the adverse impact
1 25 May 2020 Subject: Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 5/2020, Change of Directors and Directors’ Power, Entering into Connected Transaction, Entering into Transaction on Acquisition of Assets and Determination of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders To: Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum on the Acquisition of Assets (Schedule 1) and the Entry into Connected Transaction of Nation Broadcasting Corpor...
INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2020 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, THAILAND Contents Executive Summary 01 04 08 15 28 58 62 70 47 Quality Assurance Review Panel Activities for Enhancing Financial Reporting Quality Summary of Audit Inspection Results A. Firm-Level B. Engagement-Level Root Cause Analysis Framework and Focuses in 2021 Essential Statistics Auditing Landscape in Thailand Executive Summary Over the past year, the Thai capital market experienced tremendous volatili...
the management of investments under a mutual fund project by issuing investment units of each project for sale to the public and bringing proceeds thereform to invest in, or procure for profit from
investment units of each project for sale to the public and bringing proceeds thereform to invest in, or procure for profit from holding in, securities, derivative, or any other properties, or invest in or
thereform to invest in, or procure for profit from holding in, securities, derivative, or any other properties, or invest in or procure for profit by other means. "private fund management"2 means the