projects. And, Hi Healthcare Center Co., Ltd. was established on September 25, 2017 to operate medical service concerning healthcare and esthetics under trademark “Wuttisak Clinic”, which start operate the
at September 30, 2018 account for 17.85 percent of the total assets with 81.03 percent not yet due for payment. The Corporate Group has established policy for setting provision or allowance for
2018, has recognized from installation of Pneumatic Tube Carrier Systems 3 projects. And, Hi Healthcare Center Co., Ltd. was established on September 25, 2017 to operate medical service concerning
(mass) มีโอกำสในกำรเข้ำถึงบริกำรจำก global player ที่มี established presence ในประเทศที่มีกำรก ำกับดูแลตลำดทุนเป็นที่ยอมรับ ของส ำนักงำน มีควำมน่ำเชื่อถือโดยพิจำรณำจำกฐำนลูกค้ำและ ส่วนแบ่งกำรตลำด มีระบบ
2 14,400-16,800 61,320,000 Total 113,880,000 This investment will be done through Joint Venture Ureka UU co., ltd, which was established on July 1, 2019. The objective of the company is to attain
established policy for setting provision or allowance for doubtful debts which is based on the analysis of accounts receivable aging and assessment of past debt collection experience. Accordingly, the Corporate
Company Limited. Hin Kong Power Holding Company Limited fully owns Hin Kong Power Company Limited, a company that is established in preparation for development of Hin Kong Power Plant. The project is a
stimulus measures. Against this backdrop, KBank has established its business direction primarily by considering the balance of three dimensions – economy, society and environment – under good corporate
established Saha Advance Network Co., Ltd. (SAN), a joint venture with Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc, with investment of Bt21mn for 70% stake. SAN will provide fibre optics infrastructure service for SPI’s
established. This is because in 2019, the Company has received mega project worth more than 1,000 million baht (MB). For the year 2020, the Company has received several large projects with project value between