คือ สร้างสมดลุ (Balance) กระจายความเสี=ยง (Diversify) และเติบโต (Expand) ในการ บริหารธุรกิจให้ได้ตามเป้าหมายที=วางไว้ ปัจจุบนับริษัทฯ อยู่ในช่วง 3 ปีแรกของแผนกลยุทธ์ (2559-2561) ซึ=งเป็นช่วงระยะเวลาที
** 33,000,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 33,000,000.00 Total Liabilities 33,065,975.77 Shareholder's equity Registered capital 5,000,000 Issued and paid-up capital – ordinary shares 5,000,000 Items December 31
- mer BP and CEPSA facilities ac- quired in March/April 2016. Volume from the newly expand- ed PTA facility in Rotterdam will mostly benefit 2018 since the impact in 2017 was offset with tie-in shutdowns
- mer BP and CEPSA facilities ac- quired in March/April 2016. Volume from the newly expand- ed PTA facility in Rotterdam will mostly benefit 2018 since the impact in 2017 was offset with tie-in shutdowns
expand 4 percent for the whole of 2017. The report showed that Thailand’s export was improved mainly from a global trade recovery in which agricultural and electronic products were major contributions. In
associates of Baht 89.50 million. DCORP’s loss before tax was Baht 419.93 million. Loss attributable to non-controlling interests was Baht 0.32 million. DCORP loss remains Baht 419.61 million. Compared with
, true, and complete and will not cause any misunderstanding or material non-disclosure on the information. 11. The appraised value from the independence valuer. -None- 12. Financial Projection (If any
Public Company Limited is a non-operating holding company and a parent company of the financial business group, the financial business group consists of the following companies; LH Financial Group Public
margins corrected to LTM 2Q18 level HVA 284 271 268 • PEO, NDC, Packaging margins steady • IPA margins lowered to sustainable level • HVA Fibers margins to expand post 1H18 supply issues • Avgol, Kordarna
Public Company Limited is a non-operating holding company and a parent company of the financial business group, the financial business group consists of the following companies; LH Financial Group Public