:.....................................Baht per share Book Value:………………...Baht per share Price determination process and comparable financial statistics for determining offering price: Explain the manner of determination of the offering
, shall explain the differences between the appraisal report in (b) and such financial forecast (if any) as well; (d) the opinion of an independent specialist on the technology used in the infrastructure
, shall explain the differences between the appraisal report in (b) and such financial forecast (if any) as well; (d) the opinion of an independent specialist on the technology used in the infrastructure
sensitivity analysis, the management company or the financial advisor, as the case may be, shall explain the differences between the appraisal report in (b) and such financial forecast (if any) as well; (d) the
of the debt security or rights of the debt security holders may be modified. K. Paying Agent 1. Identify name and address of issuer’s appointed entity who is responsible for making payments on the debt
2019. o The Group has initially adopted TFRS 16 on contracts previously identified as leases according to TAS 17 Leases and TFRIC 4 Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease using the modified
333/3 Viphavadi Rangsit Road, Chomphon, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Tel: +66 1207 or +66 2695 9999 Fax: +66 2695 9660 e-mail: info@sec.or.th BU I L D ING BR IDGES INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2014 INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2014 BUILDING BRIDGES Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand Contact Information This report is available for download on the SEC website: www.sec.or.th For more information, p...
ปฏิบ ัต ิด ังกลาวใหผ ู ที่เกี่ยวข องร ับทราบ และนำไปปฏิบัติตามหลัก apply or explain กลาวคือ นำหลัก ปฏิบัติไปปรับใชตามที่เหมาะสมกับบริบทธุรกิจของบริษัท และอธิบายเม่ือไมไดนำหลักปฏิบัติไปปรับใชใน
monitoring and supervising of their provident fund management. In 2003, the SEC produced a VCD movie entitled çRoles and Duties of Provident Fund Committeeé as a self-educating kit to explain basic knowledge
เร่ือง กำรประเมิน ว่ำข้อตกลงประกอบด้วยสัญญำเช่ำหรือไม่ (TFRIC 4) ด้วยวิธีปรับปรุงย้อนหลังโดยรับรู้ผลกระทบสะสม (Modified retrospective approach) โดย ณ วันที่ 1 มกรำคม 2563 กลุ่มบริษัทรับรู้สินทรัพย์สิทธิ