Microsoft Word - ELCID Encl. 4_GST - IM for RO and PP (EN) v11 (03082017)_clean Enclosure 4 1 INFORMATION MEMORANDUM ON THE OFFERING OF THE NEWLY ISSUED ORDINARY SHARES OF G STEEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED TO (1) THE EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS PRO RATA TO THEIR SHAREHOLDINGS (RIGHTS OFFERING) AND (2) A SPECIFIC INVESTOR (PRIVATE PLACEMENT) (Additions) (Amendments) July 14, 2017 Reference is made to the Board of Directors’ Meeting of G Steel Public Company Limited (the “Company”) No. 6/2017, held on July...
and an increase in net interest income in line with loan growth, which was consistent with rising net interest margin (NIM). Excluding net profit from investment and income from auction of mortgaged
transaction Due to the policy decisions by the former management of the Company last year 2014 that allowed Spring26 to engage in the auction of digital television system, it was aimed to present the
following the PTT Group scheme . In addition, increasing the efficiency of procurement and managing, and reducing inventory costs by applying digital systems to improve processes such as using the E-Auction
56-1 | Financial | Tender Offer | Whitewash | Annual Report | 59-2 | Equity-News | All Document * สำหรับผู้ที่ใช้งาน Internet Explorer version 7.0 (IE 7) เป็นต้นไป ในกรณีที่ท่านเลือกใช้งานเมนูต่างๆ ในโปรแกรมค้นหาข้อมูลเผยแพร่ของบริษัทจดทะเบียน หน้าจอของท่านอาจแสดงข้อมูลไม่ครบถ้วนหากพบปัญหาดังกล่าวให้แก้ไข โดยดำเนินการตามวิธีการในรูปนี้ (โปรดคลิ๊กที่นี่เพื่อดูวิธีการแก้ไขปัญหา) The purpose of this page is providing the translation version of tender offer forms which are on voluntary basis. It d...
ประสิทธิภำพของกำรจดัซ้ือจดัจำ้ง และกำรบริหำรและลดต้นทุนสินค้ำ คงคลงัโดยน ำระบบดิจิทลัมำประยุกตใ์ชเ้พ่ือพฒันำกระบวนกำร เช่น กำรใชร้ะบบ E-Auction และส่วนลดจำกกำรจดัซ้ือ (Economy of scale) • ทั้งน้ี ทำงบ
(Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as both Houses of Parliam...