. Attending the meeting and voting at the board meeting of the stakeholders Regarding to Board of Directors Meeting No. 6/2019 held on 17July 2019 in order to present the Extraordinary General Meeting of
and voting at the board meeting of the stakeholders Regarding to Board of Directors Meeting No. 6/2019 held on 17July 2019 in order to present the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to
results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future
, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future business
circumstances, the Company is adamant in maintaining shareholders’ return and return at present and in the long-term. Shares Repurchase Project On February 20, 2020, the Board of Directors passed a resolution of
sufficient liquidity in face of unforeseeable circumstances, the Company is adamant in maintaining shareholders’ return and return at present and in the long-term. The interim dividend was paid on June 12
unforeseeable circumstances, the Company is adamant in maintaining shareholders’ return and return at present and in the long-term. The interim dividend was paid on June 12, 2020. An Annual General Meeting of the
information: (1) the method of procuring loan, for instance, applying for a loan from a financial institution or issuing a debenture. In any case, the Company shall present highlights of the loan agreement or
the audit quality control system under Paragraph 1 (1), the SEC Office shall present any facts and opinions obtained from the inspection for the Quality Assurance Review Panel’s consideration in support
SDG Impact is delighted to present this Version 1.0 of the SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises (the Standards). The Standards have been developed to help Enterprises operate more sustainably and