relating to severance payment in case of retirement of employees in accordance with the amended Labor Protection Act which was recorded during 4Q18. Cost-to-income ratio excluding loss from sale and
regarding 2G telecommunication equipment with TOT of Bt121mn (please refer to Significant Event). 1The Labor Protection Act (No. 7) B.E. 2562, effective from 5-May-19, stipulates additional legal severance
insurance company have signed a contract of life insurance and a contract of investment in investment units with an agreement that the insured shall pay premium to the life insurance company for protection
where the securities company encounters financial problems, the clients’ money under custody of the securities company shall not be protected under the Deposit Protection Agency Act; (3)2 provide a
securities company encounters financial problems, the clients’ money under custody of the securities company shall not be protected under the Deposit Protection Agency Act; (3) 2 provide a written contract or
securities company encounters financial problems, the clients’ money under custody of the securities company shall not be protected under the Deposit Protection Agency Act; (3)2 provide a written contract or
mentioned above. Also, the Company had recognized an additional expense of THB 9 million regarding the new labour protection law to increase severance pay from 300 days to 400 days for workers serving over 20
loans to EGCO Plus. Meanwhile, retirement benefit expenses was increased due to the effects of the amendment bill to the Labour Protection Law. Page 8 Quezon (Include PEPOI and QMS): Unit : Million Baht
warrant (DW) เพราะผู้ลงทุนมีความคุ้นเคยแล้ว (3) complex return fund ที่มี capital protection > 80% (4) unrated bond และ perpetual bond (5) HYB fund เน่ืองจากมีความเสี่ยงต่่ากว่าตราสารทุน และ ต้องลงทุนตาม
) อาจมี HNW บางรายท่ีไมอยากเสีย yield เพ่ือแลกกับ protection สํานักงานไมไดมีขอกําหนดหามขาย BE หุนกู ตอ HNW อยางไรก็ดี จากขอเท็จจริงพบวา ปจจุบัน HNW ลงทุนใน BE และหุนกูท่ีมีความเส่ียง เชน