indebtedness. VIII. INFORMATION ABOUT THE ISSUER A. General Information about the Issuer 1. Include basic information about the issuer, such as its legal and commercial name, and the address and telephone number
information about the issuer, such as its legal and commercial name, and the address and telephone number of its registered office (or principal place of business, if this is different from its registered
phone number to Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited’s accounts. 3.4 Automatic Teller Machine Service (ATM) provides withdrawal services, money transfer within the bank, money transfer to the
via Short Message Services (SMS) through all mobile phone networks and the Audiotex system (1900xxx). Currently, revenue from Voice Info Services and Mobile Content Business is declining. This has
Service is a new service to transfer funds for reducing the cash handing by linking the citizen ID card or mobile phone numbers with LH Bank’s account number to transfer or receive money easily. 3.4
new service to transfer funds for reducing the cash handing by linking the citizen ID card or mobile phone numbers with LH Bank’s account number to transfer or receive money easily. 3.4 Automatic Teller
Bank will send SMS to confirm results of all transactions with customers. 3.3 LH Bank PromptPay Service is a transfer service, which requires transferees to link their national ID or mobile phone number
Bank will send SMS to confirm results of all transactions with customers. 3.3 LH Bank PromptPay Service is a transfer service, which requires transferees to link their national ID or mobile phone number
_________________________________________________________________________ 18. บริษทัท่ำนจดัใหมี้กำรควบคุมกำรใชง้ำนอุปกรณ์คอมพิวเตอร์ประเภทพกพำ เช่น notebook / smart phone / tablet อยำ่งไร ก ำหนดใหอุ้ปกรณ์พกพำ สำมำรถติดต่อระบบภำยในบริษทัไดเ้ฉพำะอุปกรณ์ท่ีลงทะเบียน แลว้
, Chomphon, Chatuchak Bangkok10900 Phone 0-2273-8838 Fax 0-2273-8858 URL Contact Person Contact Contact Name ฝ่ายผู้ลงทุนสัมพันธ์ - เลขานุการบริษัท น.ส.หัสยา นุ่นแจ้ง Company News Related