Committee 8. Mr. Anuwat Sanguansappayakorn Director 9. Mr. Anant Kaewruamvongs Director / Executive Director / Chief Executive Officer And Managing Director 4.4 Nature of business operation CSL and its
, with many additional services added providing a complete new premium after- sales service. Please be informed accordingly, Yours sincerely, Mr.Opas Cherdphan Chief Executive Officer M Vision Public
Transactions B.E. 2546 (as amended). Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, U City Public Company Limited ________________________________ (Ms. Piyaporn Phanachet) Director and Chief Executive Officer
แหน่งอื่นท่ีเทยีบเทำ่กับผู้บริหำรสูงสุดขององค์กร (Chief Executive Officer : CEO) 2. เพื่อเป็นแบบประเมินตัวอย่ำงเบือ้งต้น ทีค่ณะกรรมกำรบริษัทจดทะเบียนสำมำรถน ำไปปรับใช้ตำมที่เห็นวำ่ เหมำะสมและสอดคล้องกับ
- Chairman of the Board and Authorized Director - Not being a shareholder - Director and Authorized Director - Chief Executive Officer - Being the shareholder for 580,659,675 shares equivalent to 6.70% of the
committee and/or Chief Executive Officer and/or Managing Director or authorized representative of the Board of Directors and/or executive committee and/or Chief Executive Officer and/or Managing Director to
restructures Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, (Miss Duenpun Lilavivat ) Chief Executive Officer Secretarial Office 02-741-5700 Ext. 866
transaction is not classified as a related party transaction. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, – Signature – (Mr.Chuangchai Nawongs) Chief Executive Officer
accordingly. Yours sincerely, Jasmine International Public Company Limited ______________________________ (Mr. Pete Bodharamik) Chief Executive Officer
accordingly. Sincerely yours, U City Public Company Limited ________________________________ (Miss Piyaporn Phanachet) Chief Executive Officer