receiving positive feedback over the past quarters, After You has been recruiting more field staff to boost up pop-up store team capacity. During Q3/2019, two models of pop-up stores have been set up in 11
เดอืนธนัวำคม 2561 เป็นต้นมำ โดยในไตรมำสนี้ได้รบัรู้ส่วนแบ่งก ำไรจำกเงนิลงทุนในบรษิัทร่วม OKEA AS (OKEA) 8 ล้ำนบำท จำกแหล่ง Draugen Field และ Gjoa Field ที่มีอัตราการผลิตเฉลี่ย 19.4 และ 87.4 พันบาร์เรลต่อ
officially opened with the Full- services with the Medical Specialists in each field for general customers and the only counterparties, it is supposed to have 29 Rooms for in-patients and there will have a
that there is no one able to construct a building with a height over 12 meters. Wattanapat Samui Hospital will be officially opened with the Full- services with the Medical Specialists in each field for
products under Carabao trademark in all channels. Whereas, marketing and promotional expenses paid by ICUK for the operation in UK amounted to THB 116 million could be divided as follows: (1) field sales
operation in UK amounted to THB 153 million could be divided as follows: (1) field sales amounted to THB 26 million (2) sampling expenses amounted to THB 13 million, and (3)the rest amounted to THB 115
, marketing and promotional expenses paid by ICUK for the operation in UK amounted to THB 153 million could be divided as follows: (1) field sales amounted to THB 26 million (2) sampling expenses amounted to
, marketing and promotional expenses paid by ICUK for the operation in UK amounted to THB 153 million could be divided as follows: (1) field sales amounted to THB 26 million (2) sampling expenses amounted to
promotional expenses paid by ICUK for the operation in UK amounted to THB 178 million could be divided as follows: (1) field sales amounted to THB 24 million (2) sampling expenses amounted to THB 15 million
หรือเทียบเคียงกันไดก้ับ ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจปจัจบุันเพื่อคงไว้ซ่ึงมำตรฐำนกำรคุ้มครองผู้ลงทนุ และเพื่อใหผู้้ประกอบธุรกิจทุกรำยอยู่ใน level-playing field เดียวกนั ส ำนักงำนขอเรียนว่ำ independent investment